Poof!’s Mission: to deliver an exceptional estate sale experience each and every time.

Poof! was established to elevate how clients and customers experience estate sales. We are a group of innovative individuals who have a passion for challenging the status quo and raising the moral standards of the estate sale industry. What sets us apart from our competitors? We hold client satisfaction as our number one priority. We care about our clients. We care about where they came from, where they are going, and most importantly: how they are going to get there.

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Our Story – Why We Care So Much

“In 2009, Allison and I lost our mother; our world was upside down as we navigated the post-death maze. Amidst the planning and hosting of her funeral and working to get our lives back on track, we discovered we were losing her home and needed to have an “estate sale”. Our probate attorney was kind enough to briefly explain what an estate sale was – a garage sale to empty the house – and loosely provided three numbers to call. We called all three immediately, but only one bothered to call back. So, we did the only thing someone with no estate sale experience could do; we faked our confidence and hired the only option we had.

The company forgot about our contract, and after six months, as our childhood home slipped into foreclosure, the company finally agreed to host our sale. The weekend before the bank resumed the property, they fit us in. We were thankful, just in the knick of time! With no prior knowledge of the industry and no idea of what to expect, we visited the sale. There were no words to describe the feeling of watching strangers handle our mother’s possessions. Not only was the house our mother had kept so pridefully clean now a complete disaster, but we could not shake the crude comments regarding the home we loved and cherished growing up.

In the end, we missed the opportunity to save any items that reminded us of our past. To be honest, neither of us could fathom the permanence of the situation through our grief, and with no direction, we were left in the hands of the estate sale company and the lack of information provided. We received no accounting of what was sold in the sale, and it was not until well after the estate sale ended that we learned the company had stolen all of our mother’s fine jewelry.

Unfortunately, we are not the only ones with this story, but we can work to prevent this situation from happening to others – and we do every day. We believe that everyone deserves to be educated and fully understand what they are up against in such a vulnerable time. To feel as though they are making the best decision based on weighing the options, finalizing the details, and accepting guidance and comfort through such an overwhelming time. This is why Poof! exists. So, as time passes, less individuals requiring an estate sale have to face the hardships we faced. We’ve been in your shoes and we’re excited you’re here!”

– Peggy Ruby, CEO & Co-Founder

Peggy Ruby, co-owner and CEO of Poof Estate Services; smiling woman with long curled brown hair and bright eyes
Peggy Ruby
CEO & Co-Founder
headshot of co-owner Allison Ruby, smiling woman with long brown hair and a green jacket
Allison Ruby
President & Certified Appraiser
Amanda Troost, Project Manager and Certified Appraiser for Poof Estate Service; young woman with dark hair and eyes and bright red lips
Amanda Troost
Project Manager & Certified Appraiser
Derek Cooper, Project Manager and Certified Appraiser for Poof Estate Services; smiling man with light hair, facial hair, and light rimmed glasses
Derek Cooper
Project Manager & Certified Appraiser
Maura McCarthy, Project Manager and Certified Appraiser for Poof Estate Services; young woman with short auburn hair
Maura McCarthy
Project Manager & Certified Appraiser
Annabelle Tyrrell, Assistant Manager and Certified Appraiser for Poof Estate Services; young smiling woman with long brown hair
Annabelle Tyrrell
Assistant Manager & Certified Appraiser
Ryan Jelso, Assistant Manager and Certified Appraiser for Poof Estate Services; young smiling man with short brown hair
Ryan Jelso
Assistant Manager & Certified Appraiser
Marissa Paponetti, Administrator and IT for Poof Estate Services; smiling woman with long wavy brown hair and top-rimmed glasses
Marissa Paponetti
Administrator & IT
Patty Fuson, Administrator for Poof Estate Services; older woman with short blonde hair and black rimmed glasses
Patty Fuson

Our Team Also Includes

Who will be working in your home?

Detailed Item Researchers
Interior Design Specialists
Certified Appraisers
Trained Sale Day Staff
Fashion Merchandisers
Antique & Jewelry Specialists

American Society of Estate Liquidators Seal of Service Excellence

Customer service is Poof’s #1 priority. Without satisfied customers and clients, we would not be where we are today.

Local Antiques Roadshow Hosts

Poof! has been traveling to different cities in the Metro Detroit area to provide free item appraisals to members of the community in Antiques Roadshow style events. We are proud to share our knowledge and expertise with members of the community who have unique items they are seeking more information about.

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